Monday, July 14, 2014

Manageable Mondays

I always find myself dragging on Mondays. I think it's because my husband gets up with the baby on the weekend so after 2 days of sleeping in 5am comes extra early on Monday mornings. Plus I have his help with the kids on the weekend so I know this day starts the beginning of a week as my one woman show. Whatever the reason, I always need a simple game plan for Monday night dinners. Let's be honest: I need a simple dinner game plan regardless of what day it is, but Mondays especially.
My husband, along with several other people, recently had a bad reaction to Campbell's new skillet sauces. Because he doesn't have celiac disease his reaction was not as severe as others, but I was still left feeling frustrated by what happened. I had checked to make sure that there was no wheat in the product (none was listed) but after doing some research online I found out that Campbell's has "secret" ingredients that they don't put on their labels in order to keep their exclusive recipes just that- a secret.
This is completely understandable. A company has created a billion dollar product, why would they not want to keep their recipes secret to prevent imitators? What is not understandable is why they wouldn't put "may contain gluten" or "may contain wheat" on the label.
When I was at the store today, casually browsing with my 2 kids (yeah right), I stumbled across Red Fork products. I was hesitant because they were placed next to the Campbell's skillet items but I decided to pick it up. There it was, right on the back, "No gluten ingredients used." I threw the Rosemary Chicken Sauce and the Lemon Herb Asparagus Sauce in my cart and dinner was decided upon.

I'm a HUGE believer in the idea that if you do things right the first time it'll save you time and money in the end, and I usually apply this to my cooking. I'll spend more time in the kitchen if it means not having to salvage a meal 10 minutes before everyone is ready to eat. However, it's Monday. So I took a shortcut and this time it happened to pay off (much to my husbands delight because he is quite a fan of much so that it was the basis for the best man speech at our wedding.)
For all of those in need of an easy, affordable, healthy meal here's my suggestion:

Pre heat your oven to 425
Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to an oven safe dish
Place chicken breasts in dish (you can use a whole chicken but we all know how I feel about that)
Brush olive oil on top of breasts
Cover with Red Forks Rosemary Chicken Seasoning Sauce (Because I only made 3 breasts I only used half the sauce)
Cook in oven uncovered for 25 minutes

Cook 1 pound asparagus according to the directions, make a salad, and you've got yourself a meal...all in under 25 minutes and $25!


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